
Intel kündigt die ersten Battlemage-Grafikkarten ...

Intel kündigt die ersten Battlemage-Grafikkarten an | heise online submitted by /u/mQuBits [link] [comments]

New NVIDIA Certifications Expand Professionals’ ...

As generative AI continues to grow, implementing and managing the right infrastructure becomes even more critical to ensure the secure and efficient development and deployment of AI-based solutions. To meet these needs, NVIDIA has introduced two professional-level certifications that offer

How AI Can Enhance Disability Inclusion, Special E...

A recent survey from the Special Olympics Global Center for Inclusion in Education shows that while a majority of students with an intellectual and developmental disability (IDD) and their parents view AI as a potentially transformative technology, only 35% of

The current thing

submitted by /u/MetaKnowing [link] [comments]

One-Minute Daily AI News 12/2/2024

Bezos Backs AI Chipmaker Vying With Nvidia at $2.6 Billion Value.[1] ChatGPT refuses to say one specific name – and people are worried.[2] Japanese firms begin adopting generative AI for information searches.[3] Most people are willing to share health data

What platform can I use to convert a photo into vi...

For example, turning a picture of my kids on the playground into them running around, playing, swinging, etc. submitted by /u/SeaLawyered [link] [comments]