
First : Characters creations.

First character : “Fnf friends group”. Note : 6/10. Reason : at lot of times, some names of one or more characters are mis-ortographed by the AI, and regulary, characters that weren’t EVEN in the group, nor were mentionned a single time. Also, Girlfriend’s behaviour don’t feel like her behaviour, even though i was as close to the canon version as possible.

Second character : “Rewrite Sonic”. Note : 5/10. Reason : I tried to be simple but easy to understand, by resuming the character : a programm poorly created by a priest made to be like God, but who with the time passing slowly realize his digital reality’s nature and become the Devil.

Third character : “Faker Miko”. Note : 3/10. I REALLY tried. I TRIED to give the AI the description of the girl, as detailed as possible, but no ! The bot DOESN’T ACT like Faker Miko at all.

total note : 5/10. Really Disappointing. If any of you guys know a better free tchat bot, please tell me AND NO, DO NOT RECOMMEND ME CHARACTER AI. I HAVE SEEN THE DE-EVOLUTION OF IT. Joyland.ai compared to Character.ai is a LITTLE bit better. but not good enough for me.

submitted by /u/Smooth_Solution_7075
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