
Hey OpenAI Engineers, I’ve been experimenting with the Custom Instructions feature and have run into some frustrating platform-specific issues across different devices—Apple mobile, Android mobile, and Desktop Windows 10. Here’s a breakdown of the mess I’m trying to untangle. I typed this in texteditor, so i’ll just cut and paste it below:

The situation-

BLUF: I’ve found several errors, both symentic and functional.


a = apple mobile b = andriod mobile c#= custom numbered instruction subset to platfroms (a, b, d) d = desktop win10

BB. custom instruction fields per device per custom between the 2 available options (insturction 1 & 2)

ac1 = What traits should ChatGPT have? ac2 = Anything else ChatGPT should know about you?

bc1 = What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses? bc2 = How would you like ChatGPT to respond?

dc1 = What traits should ChatGPT have? dc2 = Anything else ChatGPT should know about you?

CC. status on user input into customize ChatGPT function (platform_custom_inst = field filled [true] && empty [flase])

ac1 = true ac2 = false

bc1 = false bc2 = true

dc1 = false dc2 = true

DD. issues

  1. ac1 && dc1 are the same instruction, but only 1 of the fields are filled (ac1)

  2. dc2 && ac2 are the same instruction, but only 1 of the fields are filled (dc1)

  3. bc1 is an instruction not shared on platforms a && d

  4. bc2 is an instrution not shared on platforms a && d

  5. ac1 input is equal to bc2

  6. dc2 input not equal to an instruction on a or c

EE. current steps taken

  1. prior to signing out && signing back in I:

a. cut and paste verebitum instructions, of the same length, and under 1500 characters into platfroms a && b && d -result = refer table CC b. logged out of platform b first && restarted platforms a && d -result = no change to fields ac1/2 && dc1/2 c. logged out of platform a second && restarted platform d -result = no change to fields ca1/2 d. logged out of platform d && restarted platfrom d && logged back in to ChatGPT on platform d && clear browser history on platfrom d -result = no change to fields dc1/2 e. cut and paste verebitum instructions, of the same length, and under 1500 characters into platfroms a && b && d -result = no change to fields dc1/2

FF. comments

there are multiple mismatches and ambiguities here that I have to believe this cause conflicts. My personal uses is going to be restrict between platforms a && d for now.

from a friend for authenticity:”Is this just another case of a ‘secret training model’ not syncing across devices, or am I stuck in an infinite loop with these custom instructions? Just trying to avoid the glitchy GPT-3 aftermath here, folks… 😜”

submitted by /u/indifferentindium
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