
Heya, I’m an e-com manager, and I’ve been using an in-house LLM to streamline a lot of the tasks. Thought I’d share what I’ve been using it for. I’d also like it if you could share what you’ve been using it for.

First off, I use it to build client profiles. I feed data into the LLM from Google Analytics, clients mission statement and vision, GMB comments, SEMrush, social media metrics, brand goals, brand tone, Google Ads, stakeholder priorities and sales goals. The LLM takes all of that and helps create client profiles, which really helps when it comes to targeting campaigns effectively.

I wanted to optimize our ad spend, so I built an ad prioritization tool in Google Sheets. The LLM helped refine my formulas and create the ones I needed. I fed it KPIs, inventory, seasonal trends, and stakeholder preferences, weighting each factor. Now, the tool highlights which products to focus on based on past data. While trends and products evolve, it provides a starting point, and we continue to monitor and adjust as needed.

Another area where it’s been super helpful is automating projects. I gave the LLM a basic project template, and now all I have to do is copy the initial ticket. The LLM breaks it down into tasks and sets it up for our project management platform, again I double check everything but it saves a ton of time.

For presentations, I provide the LLM with the data and the overall goal, and it generates a clear Google Presentation document that I can easily tweak and build on. It also makes suggestions based on client profiles, like emphasizing leads for Client A or focusing on bottom lines for Client B.

It also generated a script that uses the GTMetrix API to test our websites daily and send us an email notification if any changes occur.

It’s been great for tasks like SEO, proofreading, and cleaning up messy Excel sheets.

Curious if anyone else is using tools to handle stuff like this? If so, which tools and what do you use it for?

submitted by /u/Gasple1
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