submitted by /u/eternviking [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/eternviking [link] [comments]
AI doomers operate under an implicit assumption that technological advancement culminates in a terminal displacement of human activity, rendering human ingenuity obsolete. But this assumption reveals a misunderstanding of the co-evolutionary relationship between humans and technology, a dynamic where displacement
Cleveland police used AI to justify a search warrant. It has derailed a murder case.[1] Paul McCartney Warns Proposed AI Copyright Law Could ‘Rip Off’ Artists.[2] OpenAI wants to take over your browser.[3] Google pushes global agenda to educate workers,
Let’s say you have a question for which there is not a prepackaged answer easily found on the web, and for which you cannot easily collect all the required information for determining the answer. Surely all of us have questions
A super common business technique is to have an introductory price for a product and raise it after a lot of people are invested in it. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/openais-latest-ai-cost-more-214758857.html OpenAIs latest query costs about $1000 per https://forum.cursor.com/t/from-enthusiasm-to-disappointment-the-500-query-limit-is-stifling-cursor-ais-potential/15704 people aren’t willing to pay
submitted by /u/manicmeowmommy [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/creaturefeature16 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/creaturefeature16 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/cporter202 [link] [comments]