submitted by /u/itismagic_ai [link] [comments]
So I’ve been a bit creeped out. Recently I shared a screenshot with the Snapchat AI Bot. Out of curiostity I asked it whether it knows the location, and it got it right down to the general area. This is
I want a place where regular, everyday, not-rich people, without having to navigate a single prompt!. can explain what they’d like AI to do for THEM – and those seeking to make a living at it can try to fill
BlackRock and Microsoft plan $30bn fund to invest in AI infrastructure.[1] Runway announces an API for its video-generating AI models.[2] GOT (General OCR Theory) Unveiled: A Revolutionary OCR-2.0 Model That Streamlines Text Recognition Across Multiple Formats with Unmatched Efficiency and
submitted by /u/A-Dog22 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/NightsRadiant [link] [comments]
Lived through one recession already so this all feels very familiar. Discuss. submitted by /u/corsair-c4 [link] [comments]
submitted by /u/amesydragon [link] [comments]
The question is: How many Rs are there in the word strawberry, and in what positions do they occur in the word? Now you can replace R with any other letter, and strawberry with any other word. As you should,
In the fast-paced progress of AI, the question of how to evaluate and understand capabilities of state-of-the-art models is timelier than ever. New and capable models are being released frequently, and each release promises the next big leap in frontiers