
SETI Institute Researchers Engage in World’s Fir...

This summer, scientists supercharged their tools in the hunt for signs of life beyond Earth. Researchers at the SETI Institute became the first to apply AI to the real-time direct detection of faint radio signals from space. Their advances in

TSMC and NVIDIA Transform Semiconductor Manufactur...

TSMC, the world leader in semiconductor manufacturing, is moving to production with NVIDIA’s computational lithography platform, called cuLitho, to accelerate manufacturing and push the limits of physics for the next generation of advanced semiconductor chips. A critical step in the

Pittsburgh Steels Itself for Innovation With Launc...

Serving as a bridge for academia, industry and public-sector groups to partner on artificial intelligence innovation, NVIDIA is launching its inaugural AI Tech Community in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Collaborations with Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh, as well as

Posting the Best Prompt I made which provided me w...

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1i-wk8i-mUg1g8CCZe6GIYR2g2Em1xuZI3nUqKZtWA28/edit?usp=sharing here! to get the prompt and learn about it and see the difference. I would like to point out one thing, the ai wont always each time provide high quality out.. Remember one thing no AI is perfect this

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided ...

Press release: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/2024/press-release/ Popular information: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/2024/popular-information/ Advanced information: https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/physics/2024/advanced-information/ https://preview.redd.it/pbmblkxe9itd1.jpg?width=1630&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3211079b6d0ba00bb2ef0fe1ac2d05d986d040e7 submitted by /u/Nunki08 [link] [comments]

Editing a group family picture?

Last weekend me and my partner took a couple of group pictures with her family. Most of them turned out great, but in the best photo the youngest kid is covering his face and the dog turned weirdly so it

Foxconn to Build Taiwan’s Fastest AI Supercomput...

NVIDIA and Foxconn are building Taiwan’s largest supercomputer, marking a milestone in the island’s AI advancement. The project, Hon Hai Kaohsiung Super Computing Center, revealed Tuesday at Hon Hai Tech Day, will be built around NVIDIA’s groundbreaking Blackwell architecture and

Another Company Enters the 1300 Club

[ Removed by Reddit on account of violating the content policy. ] submitted by /u/StrategicHarmony [link] [comments]

One-Minute Daily AI News 10/7/2024

Foxconn chairman says AI investment boom ‘still has some time to go’ as language models evolve.[1] Samsung Electronics apologises for disappointing profit as it struggles in AI chips.[2] Google DeepMind exec says AI will increase efficiency so much it’s expected