
My prediction for AI – how it could solve the &#...

AI is already getting much better at coding than it used to be. Infamously, if you ask an LLM how many Rs are in “strawberry,” it may very well tell you the wrong answer (this is true even of OpenAI’s

Companies that offer result grading services?

Looking for recommendations for companies that provide people who can read prompt/grade result. Have a slightly different task in mind but same skill set. What options have worked for you? submitted by /u/fredzannarbor [link] [comments]

What’s my use case for any of this?

It just adds more keystrokes to my life. I haven’t found anything called “artificial intelligence” that makes my life easier. The first person who integrates this with an OS (preferably with Scar-Jo’s voice) is going to be richer than god.

One-Minute Daily AI News 9/14/2024

Elon Musk and Larry Ellison begged Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang for AI GPUs at dinner.[1] Fei-Fei Li, the Stanford professor many deem the “Godmother of AI,” has raised $230 million for her new startup, World Labs.[2] OpenAI releases o1, its

Shower thought: The skeptics/pundits scoffing at L...

History repeats itself. But this time, the cars are going to be driving themselves, quite literally… Also, to emphasize the obvious for the easily head-wooshed in the crowd: THE AI YOU SEE TODAY IS NOT THE AI YOU WILL SEE

Research project on AI/ML/Deep Learning for batter...

Hey guys, Hoping to get some ideas on companies using these technologies to asvance batteries. For instance Monolith AI developed an AI model for researching and testing batteries. Honeywell has some cool AI integrated manufacturing software. Any come to mind

Reproducing o1-series reasoning – looking fo...

With my team we’re currently trying to reproduce o1 series reasoning capabilities. However, we’d need a little help from the community to obtain more data. We plan to base our research on top of two OpenAI’s papers: Let’s Verify Step